Reserved Box Seats for Graduation Sale
- What
- Reserved Box Seats for Graduation Sale
- When
- 5/15/2019, 8:00 AM
- Where
- WRHS Office
We will sell 57 reserved box seats for graduation at White River Amphitheater. The price for each box is $50, and there are eight (8) seats per box. There is no limit to the number of boxes a person may purchase.
FYI ... In past years, a line has started forming outside of the school as early as 4:00 am. Upon our arrival, a ticket for line placement is given out, and once the line placement tickets (57 line placement tickets) are passed out, we consider the boxes to be sold, although the actual sale or transaction does not occur until 8:00 am. If you have questions, please call the office at 360-829-5500.