Running Start Students ... Seniors, don't forget to check your school email for important information regarding graduation and other important events that you don't want to miss.
As a reminder to all full-time Running Start Students, White River High School is a closed campus. Unless you have an appointment with a counselor, you are not to be on campus during school hours, 7:30 - 2:05.
White River High School Dress Code
White River School District regulations expect student dress and grooming to be appropriate for a positive educational environment. Therefore, dress that could be considered revealing, distracting, derogatory, offensive, intimidating, or that could interfere with the educational process is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to clothing that advertises alcohol, tobacco or drugs, drug paraphernalia, profanity, weapons, pornography, sexually related material, or gangs. Students may not cover their face at any time unless they cover their nose and mouth for health reasons. No sunglasses may be worn in the building.
Appropriate attire is expected at all times while on school grounds and at all school sponsored activities. Students who violate the dress code may be asked to turn shirt inside out, cover up with a jacket or other clothing, and/or call home for a change of clothes. If arrangements cannot be made, students will remain in in-school suspension through the end of the day. Students refusing to comply with the dress code may be subject to further disciplinary action.